Sunday, January 24, 2010

What is this call regarding?

As for the second clips, Sir Mark showed us another video from the same series that is Curb your Enthusiasm. The clip is about; Larry is making a call to one company, and the secretary in the company pick up the phone. Larry wanted to speak to someone, and then the secretary asks him what is this calling regarding. Larry state that he wants to speak to the person and that person will know why he is calling. But, the secretary still want to know what is the call is all about. I guess Larry wants his conversation is between him and that person.

For me, the secretary is being too busy body and she should ask such many time in knowing other’s business. But I like how Larry handles her. He used the same thing what the secretary did, just to make her realize that it’s not nice to know other’s business when the person did want other people to know it. He asked the secretary to tell him what her last conversation before him is. Then here’s the best part! The secretary answers “that’s none of your business!” then Larry answers back, “exactly!” then he just hang up the phone and continues his work. In the story we all realize that Larry is being pissed off by the secretary. As for the secretary, she should know that it’s not polite to force someone to tell something that is obviously none of her business. It could be a top secret conversation or important information. What she should do is, when the person didn’t want to tell her what the call is regarding, she should just pass to the person that they want to speak with.

Topic: He should not tell what the call is regarding.

Perspective: He should just tell what is the call regarding or just lie to the secretary in order to satisfy her and he can speak to that particular person.

Positioning: He should not tell the secretary because it’s none of her business to know about it and the thing he want to speak with that person has nothing to do with her.

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat

In Sir Mark last class, he showed us some video clips from the series called Curb your Enthusiasm. In my opinion, this series is for our critical thoughts and to make us think about how a left brained really is. Then we were asked to identify the topic, perspective and positioning from ‘The Rules of 10’.

The first video shows a situation, where at that time it was Halloween, and there’s two girls were at Larry’s house and wanted some candy. But there were like seventeen years old, but refers themselves as a thirteen years old teenagers. The problem occurs because the two girls did not wearing Halloween costume. I don’t understand why they didn’t want to wear any costume and it’s Halloween! Everybody should wear costume. If I were them, even I know I’m too old for trick or treat, I would wear something like a girl with bunny costume or even be like a vampire mistress. At least, a costume, to convincing the adults to gave some candy.

So, back to the story, Larry didn’t want to give them any candy because the girls didn’t wear any costume and because of their age is too old for trick or treat. The girls try to lie to Larry that they actually wearing a costume that is their sister and a teacher, which is not accepted because they were obviously not wearing any Halloween costume. The girl is furious because Larry still didn’t want to give them candy. Larry dislikes their attitude where they were like using Halloween for candies. After that Larry just slammed the door, and making face like he had done something good. Then, the next morning, Larry’s wife realizes their house had been tricked. There were toilet papers all over the trees in their front yard, and their door was paint “bold asshole”.

Topic: He should give the candy to the girls.

Perspective: He didn’t give the candy to the girls because the girls were lying about their age and didn’t wear any costume on Halloween.

Positioning: He should give the candy because it’s Halloween, and they didn’t look too old for trick or treating.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

How Superstitions change my life

How Superstitions change my life?

What are superstitions?

It is a kind of belief that cannot be explained by reason or science. I always wondering, why do people believe in such things, and why is superstitions even existed? When it sometimes not logic at all. I know a lot of superstition, because my great grandmother always used it really often so as my mother, my aunt and uncles also my cousins Moreover, we were from Malacca blood, so Malacca people used superstitions like always and it’s their habits on creating superstitions. They love to use it if I had done something that inappropriate.

For instance, when I was young, if I didn’t finish my rice, my mother told me that don’t leave my rice unfinished or else it would cry. At that time I’m actually fall for it, I even cry apologizing to the rice for not finished it. But when I had grown up, I found out it was a lie, there is no such thing like crying rice. So, in my opinion, the reason my mother lied to me about the rice is just because she wants me to finished my meal and not wasting the food that I already ate. Even though I did not really trust superstitions, sometimes there is little superstition I did follow, such as, we cannot lay or sleep after having a meal, or my tummy will bloated, and I did followed it. This is because, it is true and when I did that, my stomach is bloated. So, each time after I finish my meals, I will walk around the house or just sit on the couch waiting about an hour then I can lie down.

Maybe if we see this in a good way, we can find out that superstition is one good way on educating people. Just that sometimes the superstitions can get a little ridiculous and stupid. But it’s actually a way on making a person did not do something inappropriate. As to conclude, everything happens for a reason and people make these superstitions for a reason, not just to have fun.

Right brain and Left brain

First of all, this blog I made is especially for my Critical Literacy class with Sir Mark. In my first class, I learnt so many new things. Sir Mark teaches us about critical thinking, left brain and right brain functions and some about superstitions. Left and right brain had different personalities and functions. The left brain is for analytic thought, logic, language, science and math. As for the right brain, it is for holistic thought, intuition, creativity, and also for arts and music. It is how it’s functioning that connected with people personalities. Each people may have different personalities, and there are people that left brain and right brain. Technically, in my point of view the right brain is the best part compared to the left brain. I also learnt many new words, such as cynical, empathy, and synthesis.

Basically, before this I never knew about these words. Then, before Sir Mark ends our class, he asked us to find five superstitions. As for the second class, the class got even more interesting. Sir Mark shows us the extreme left brainer video and the extreme right brainer, which I found it really interesting and automatically I fully understand what is left and right brainer is all about. Sir Mark also asked us to have a left and right brain test. This test is to find out whether we are a left brainer or right brainer. So, questions and questions given, we were asked to answer in yes or no bubbles. Then we have to calculate the answer. I had found out the result, which I am a right brainer. But my points are just near to the left brainer. I already thought that I’m a right brainer, as like I love to draw meaning I love arts, and I really love music. It turned out that I’m a right brainer, which is good actually. After the test, we played some interesting games that related to this whole right brainer and left brainer. We were divided into two groups, and we were given the opportunity to be a left and right brainer.

This game had two groups which I mentioned earlier; a left brainer and right brainer, then we have to like debate about the superstitions given by Sir Mark. It’s an exciting activity to do, and we were having fun at the same time.