Saturday, January 16, 2010

Right brain and Left brain

First of all, this blog I made is especially for my Critical Literacy class with Sir Mark. In my first class, I learnt so many new things. Sir Mark teaches us about critical thinking, left brain and right brain functions and some about superstitions. Left and right brain had different personalities and functions. The left brain is for analytic thought, logic, language, science and math. As for the right brain, it is for holistic thought, intuition, creativity, and also for arts and music. It is how it’s functioning that connected with people personalities. Each people may have different personalities, and there are people that left brain and right brain. Technically, in my point of view the right brain is the best part compared to the left brain. I also learnt many new words, such as cynical, empathy, and synthesis.

Basically, before this I never knew about these words. Then, before Sir Mark ends our class, he asked us to find five superstitions. As for the second class, the class got even more interesting. Sir Mark shows us the extreme left brainer video and the extreme right brainer, which I found it really interesting and automatically I fully understand what is left and right brainer is all about. Sir Mark also asked us to have a left and right brain test. This test is to find out whether we are a left brainer or right brainer. So, questions and questions given, we were asked to answer in yes or no bubbles. Then we have to calculate the answer. I had found out the result, which I am a right brainer. But my points are just near to the left brainer. I already thought that I’m a right brainer, as like I love to draw meaning I love arts, and I really love music. It turned out that I’m a right brainer, which is good actually. After the test, we played some interesting games that related to this whole right brainer and left brainer. We were divided into two groups, and we were given the opportunity to be a left and right brainer.

This game had two groups which I mentioned earlier; a left brainer and right brainer, then we have to like debate about the superstitions given by Sir Mark. It’s an exciting activity to do, and we were having fun at the same time.

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