Sunday, January 24, 2010

Trick or Treat

Trick or Treat

In Sir Mark last class, he showed us some video clips from the series called Curb your Enthusiasm. In my opinion, this series is for our critical thoughts and to make us think about how a left brained really is. Then we were asked to identify the topic, perspective and positioning from ‘The Rules of 10’.

The first video shows a situation, where at that time it was Halloween, and there’s two girls were at Larry’s house and wanted some candy. But there were like seventeen years old, but refers themselves as a thirteen years old teenagers. The problem occurs because the two girls did not wearing Halloween costume. I don’t understand why they didn’t want to wear any costume and it’s Halloween! Everybody should wear costume. If I were them, even I know I’m too old for trick or treat, I would wear something like a girl with bunny costume or even be like a vampire mistress. At least, a costume, to convincing the adults to gave some candy.

So, back to the story, Larry didn’t want to give them any candy because the girls didn’t wear any costume and because of their age is too old for trick or treat. The girls try to lie to Larry that they actually wearing a costume that is their sister and a teacher, which is not accepted because they were obviously not wearing any Halloween costume. The girl is furious because Larry still didn’t want to give them candy. Larry dislikes their attitude where they were like using Halloween for candies. After that Larry just slammed the door, and making face like he had done something good. Then, the next morning, Larry’s wife realizes their house had been tricked. There were toilet papers all over the trees in their front yard, and their door was paint “bold asshole”.

Topic: He should give the candy to the girls.

Perspective: He didn’t give the candy to the girls because the girls were lying about their age and didn’t wear any costume on Halloween.

Positioning: He should give the candy because it’s Halloween, and they didn’t look too old for trick or treating.

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